Dialog Box Shortcut for Mac oSX
My previous post reminded me of another good quick tip for MacOSX. Here are some quick shortcuts you can use when your computer is asking you something you have to respond to.
For this, the ESC key will cancel, and hitting Return would empty the trash.
Generally, the Option that’s highlighted is chosen by hitting the Return key. Another default you can rely on is hitting the ESC key to cancel. But there is one more thing you can remember…
Hitting Enter here would choose “Don’t Add” while Hitting Command+A will choose “Add”
Other options, to choose them, you are usually able to hold the command key, and then type the first letter of the option you want to choose. This does not work 100% of the time, as it may depend on other keyboard shortcuts that cannot be interfered with. If you are doing repetitive tasks, this can be a huge time saver.